Check for Bees?
What is BeeWhere?

BeeWhere is a collaborative initiative that streamlines communication between beekeepers, PCAs, growers, and pesticide applicators using modern technology. It employs innovative mapping tools that enables beekeepers and pesticide applicators to share best practices by tracking and safeguarding hive locations across the state.
have access to a free registry and location tracking tools through BeeWhere. CalAg Permits give beekeepers access to register their initial hive location(s) upon entry to California and any subsequent movement of locations within 72 hours throughout the season.
have a new way to perform a bee check. This tool provides applicators in-depth access to hive locations for 48-hour notification purposes through BeeCheck in CalAg Permits. In the future, BeeWhere will interface with current crop management tools, such as Agrian and CDMS, to perform a bee check without switching websites.
County of Santa Clara Division of Agriculture (408) 918-4600 or in South County
(408) 201-0640
Email: [email protected]
Register for beewhere
Beekeepers can register through the following interfaces for free